but if we come back today , during a normal condition 今日 同じ場所を平常時に訪れると
in the middle of the 16th century , the chaotic political situation which had continued for more than 100 years after the onin war turned into a somewhat normal condition not only for territorial lord called daimyo in the sengoku period , but also for common people . 16世紀半ばになると応仁の乱以後100年以上も続く政局不安状態はすでに常態と化しており、いわゆる戦国大名とよばれる領国支配者にとっても庶民にとっても、このような状態は普通になっていた。
although ' shore-burning ' is the normal condition for those who are used to seeing the present rocky shores and they can not get a real sense of that term , half a century ago , people commonly saw rocky shores under water which were so densely covered with marine plants that rocks were not visible . なお、現代の磯を見慣れている人には「磯焼け」が常態であるのでこの言葉に実感はないが、半世紀前の人々が普通に見た磯(水中)は、岩などが見えないほど海草が生い茂っていたのである。